
We have a responsibility toward the other life-forms of our planet whose continued existence is threatened by the thoughtless behavior of our own human species. Nothing is more important to human beings than an ecologically functioning, life sustaining biosphere on the earth. It’s not just about saving wildlife. It’s about saving our world. It’s about saving ourselves.


Conservation is the preservation of all life forms on earth, and that, above all else, is worth fighting for. Why Conservation? Because we have forgotten how to press our fingers to the tilting planet's jugular and measure her pulse. We have forgotten symbiosis, that she is our mother.

Lenses - Wildlife Photography

Art Born of Environmental Ethic – A distinct proposed out of the need to make a distinction between the creation of images for the sake of photography, and the creation of images to serve the purpose of conserving nature by showcasing both the beauty of our planet and its vanishing spirit.

The legend of Ustad T24

Hearts rebuilt from hope resurrect dreams killed by hate. 16th of May, the day when the mighty and fearless Ustad, the most celebrated tiger of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve was in a tragic turn of events pulled out of his territory and shifted to a zoo. Ustad, used to roaming over 5,000 hectares for the past nine years of his life, was placed in an enclosure that was a little under a hectare in area in Sajjangarh. Ustad/ T24 - has changed the complete scenario of how wildlife conservation in India was perceived and has been handled so far. Ustad may never return home or see the wild again, destined perhaps to the fate decided by a few, but the fight goes on to free him, to bring him back home. The cause and plight of Ustad caused uproar and outrage that has never been witnessed earlier. It was the need of time to provide a platform for the voice of the wildlife lovers who were ruled both by the heart and the head. Over a period of time the cause led to spread awareness, motivate people to do their bit and to understand the importance of conserving each and every species (big or small) - CLaW was formed.

CLaW Reachout

No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same. One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone. The CLaW reachout events have had several hues. Some were organised and conducted to support and lend a helping hand to the guardians of the forest and their families; some to raise awareness to conservation or voice opinions and some to enrich the members. The objective was to involve as many people as possible into this family and doing our bit to show them ’we care’.

Sunday, 06-Sep-2015

CLaW conducts food grain distribution and medical check-up camp with free medicines at Koka Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhandara

Monsoon months are especially hard for the villagers, who depend on tourism for their livelihood, more so if the sanctuary is a small one. Recently this was brought to the attention of CLaW team by one of the members of Wild Watch Foundation, Mr. Deepak Chaddha, who is also a founder member of CLaW. It was decided that a small token of help should be extended to these people without whom our wildlife Sanctuaries would not exist. Accordingly CLaW and a few willing wildlifers decided to take the initiative of food grain distribution to the guides and Van Mazoor or daily wage workers of forest who are the integral part of the Anti Poaching cell of Koka.

Sunday, 20-Dec-2015

CLaW initiates the distribution of winter kits contributed by CLaW members at Koka Wildlife Sanctuary

As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own path.Koka wildlife sanctuary is a relatively new park with an decent population of tigers, leopards, sloth bears and various other species. The area also has some natural water bodies and supports dispersing populations from Nagzira and New Nagzira. In spite of the rich flora and fauna, this sanctuary is yet to get the popularity it deserves from photographers and conservationists. CLaW took an initiative to find out more about Koka.

Sunday, 3-Apr-2015

A Candle Light Vigil to protest the inhumane killing of Baghin Nala Tigress and her two 7 month old cubs

A Candle Light Vigil was organised by CLaW – Conservation, Lens and Wildlife on the 3rd of April, 2016 at RBI Square, Nagpur to protest the inhumane killing of Baghin Nala Tigress and her two 7 month old cubs, by poisoning in the core area of Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhy Pradesh. The event was held to express the angst and condemn this senseless loss of life and also to demand speedy investigation and justice for the innocent souls.

Saturday, 19th & Sunday, 20th March 2016

Photography workshop by CLaW with ace wild life photographer Mr Saravanan Sundaram at Nagpur

A two day photography workshop was conducted under the aegis of CLaW on 19th & 20th March 2016, by renowned wildlife photographer Mr Saravanan Sundaram covering basic and advanced level training. The event organised by CLaW (at no charge to the participants), received an overwhelming response by the shutterbugs and wildlife lovers of Nagpur and adjoining places. More than 140 avid wildlife enthusiasts , far exceeding the originally catered for strength, participated with great enthusiasm in the event.

Monday, 16th May 2016

CLaW conducts medical camp and first aid training with free medicines at Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary

Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary located near Pandharkawda in Yavatmal District of Maharashtra is one such wildlife sanctuary. It is currently in news for its regular tiger sightings and beautiful terrain, that is any visitors delight, but whoever has visited the park will agree that a lot needs to be done for the betterment of this sanctuary.
In one such small gesture, CLaW conducted a camp, covering the following :
- Free medical health checkup for guides , guards , van mazoors , drivers
- Free medicine distribution
- First aid kits for both gates
- First aid training and demo
- Distribution of 400 large ORS packets to help guards and field staff see the harsh summers through
- Laminated Dos and Donts cards for tourists visiting the park.
The event, done under #CLaWReachOut initiative, was organised and conducted at the interpretation centre of Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on 16th May' 16.

Thursday, 4th August 2016

CLaW helps Firoz Khan Pathan, in his noble endeavour and for dedicating his life to rescuing, treating and looking after birds from his area.

A few days back we made a post on this gentleman Mr. Firozkhan Pathan, under our #CLaWHeroes story, about how he has dedicated his life to rescuing, treating and looking after birds fro his area.
Being from a humble background, he manages all of this with his limited resources. The monthly expense towards food for these birds run into Rs. 10000/- plus.
Under CLaWReachOut, a few friends decided to help him out in his noble endeavour and contributed towards expenses that could see through a couple of months.

Tiger Death - 2016

The complacent view that the tiger will continue to be "rare" or "threatened" into the foreseeable future is no longer tenable. Today, tigers in the wild face the black abyss of annihilation. The tiger's enemies are well-known: Loss of habitat exacerbated by exploding human populations, poverty—which induces poaching of prey animals—and looming over all, the dark threat of the brutal Chinese black market for tiger parts, and not to forget botched conservation strategies that for decades have failed the tiger. Many reserves exist as islands of fragile habitat in a vast sea of humanity and an unwelcome revelation of the new census is that nearly a third of India's tigers live outside tiger reserves, a situation that is dangerous for both human and animal. The dramatic rise in the tiger deaths has cast aspersions on conservation efforts for the wild cats. If we don’t stop this now, very soon we will be a Tiger Nation without Tigers. This is an attempt to keep a track of the tigers we are losing. A sad but brutal reality of the present scenario.

S. No. Date ReportedLocationMale/ FemaleAge
12nd JanDeolaparMale4
22nd JanPench MPMale5
34th JanKishanpur, DudhwaMale1
43rd JanSouth Kheri, UP--
52nd JanDhopguri Anidol Village, Udalgiri Dist, Near Orang Natl Park, AssamFemale-
69th JanChourai Range, Chhindwara Div, Near Pench Tiger ReserveFemale3
721st JanKandhar, RanthamboreFemale12/13
820th JanAnechowkur, NagarholeMale9
920th JanMuthanga Range, Kadukakuni, Wayanad wildlife SanctuaryMale7
1021st JanKachavinahalli, Hunsur division, NagarholeFemale 12
111st Feb Gumtara Range, Pench MPMale 
124th FebChichpally, Chandrapur bufferMale18 months
1311t FebKodaikanal, Palani hills, close to Anaimalai hills, near Indira Gandhi WLSMale10
1421st FebValmiki Tiger Reserve,Male-
1522nd FebGhunghuti, Umaria Dist, NH78, 100km from BhandaraFemaleunknown
1626th Febnilambur Forest, KeralaMale14-15
1729th Feb Medziphema, NagalandFemaleunknown
1826th FebBijrani, Sanwalde beat, CorbettMale8
197th MarTanda Forest Range, Terai Central Division, Dist NainitalMale5-6 months
2014th MarMukutban (FDCM), PandharkawdaFemale8
2115th MarPeimundhu, South Nilgiris Forest DivMale10
2210th MarSimaiya Bhagpur, KanhaMale13 (one paper said its around 4/5 yr old. Check ref in next sheet
2310-MarValmiki Tiger Reserve, West Champaran DitFemaleunknwon
2419th MarDevarsholo, Gudalur Forest Area, Nr Ooty, TNMale7
2527th MarHediyala range, BandipurMale10
2628th MarBaghinaala, Pench MPFemale12
2728th MarBaghinaala, Pench MPcub8 months
2828th MarBaghinaala, Pench MPcub8 months
2929th MarKhwada village, Sultanpur forest, Kota Rangefemale 
302nd AprilSamrock Forest, Nr. Kilkotagiri, NilgirisFemale8-9 years
312nd AprilKalahalla Range, NagarholeMale9 years
324th AprilBichhua Village, Gumtara, Range, Chhindwara, Pench MPMale-
335th AprilChikmagalur Territorial Division , Karnataka  
348th AprilGhurila, Kanha (Pench Baghinaala Cub)cub8 months
358th AprilBoundary of Sindewahi territorial forest n Tadoba bufferFemale5 years
3610th AprilBandhavgarh Tiger ReserveMale10 years
3716th AprilJonkpani beat, Suphkar Range, KanhaMale 12
3818th AprilParsatola Beat, Nr Mukki Range, KanhaFemale 8
3918th AprilParsatola Beat, Nr Mukki Range, Kanhacub5 months
4018th AprilParsatola Beat, Nr Mukki Range, Kanhacub5 months
4126th AprilSindewahi Range, Dongargaon, Near TATRMale12yrs (few reports say 5yrs)
4226th AprilMukki Range, Kanhacub3-4 months
4326th AprilNagarhole Tiger Reservefemale8 years
4426th AprilAnini, Arunachal Pradesh  
454th MayDoni forest, Mul (Buffer) , TATRMale 2 years
467th MayHaridwar- Najibabad Highway, Near Rajaji National ParkMale5 years
478th MayNavegaon Nagzira Tiger Reserve Female15-16
4819th MayBandhavgarh Tiger ReserveMale13 years
4921st MayKanha National ParkFemale Cub13-14 onths
5024th MayChikkaldhara, Melghat Tiger ReserveMale Age not yet confirmed
5125th MayGundre Range, BandipurMale9 years
5228th MayChikkaldhara Range, Melghat Tiger ReserveFemale8
534th JuneKottadai, Hasanur, Sathyamangalam, TN  
5411th JunePanna Tiger ReserveFemale11
5516th JuneSoopkhar Range, Kanha Tiger ReserveFemale7-9 yrs
5616th JuneKhitauli, Bandhavgarh Tiger ReserveMale Cub4-5 months
5719th JuneKurichiyat Range, Wayanad Wildlife SanctuaryFemale8 years
5823rd JuneAchenkovil, Kerala  
5925th JuneTaleda Range, RTRFemale11
606th Jul Teda Village, (buffer) Corbett National ParkMale6-7 years
618th Jul Chorgaon, Tadoba BufferMaleOld tiger (worn out canines)
6212th JulRange Dhela Near Jhirna, CorbettMale8 years
6314th JulValparaiFemale6 years
6416th JulSatosha beat, karmajhiri Range, Pench MPMale3-4 years
6518th JulLakhimpur Kheri, Near DudhwaFemale11 years
6627th JulOrang, Assam--
671st AugAgoratoli Range, KazirangaMale-
683rd AugCoffee estate in Nittur, 90 KM from Madikeri, Virajpet, away from NagarholeMale8 years
69,701st - 9th AugNagarhole Tiger Reserve2 Cubs10 months
718th AugRukhad, Pench MPMale3 years
7210th AugDB Kubbe Range, NagarholeFemale2 years
7310th AugPadmapur Beat, Brahmapuri DivMale3 years
7414th AugMaddur Range, Bandipur Tiger ReserveMale10 years
7518th AugRanthamboreFemale19 years

CLaW Contests

Today, photography is undergoing a sea change. Advances in technology and changes in lifestyle mean that more and more people hold in their hands the ability to capture beautiful, expressive imagery. The CLaW contest is a great opportunity to champion new forms of image making, adapting to and embracing these exciting changes in the way people express their passions and beliefs through imagery. The goal is to foster a growing, global community of photographers creating images that stand apart through their creativity, their ability to move people and their capacity for communication. We thank our sponsors for their constant support to make these contests at CLaW a huge success.

CLaW Photography Contest

July 2015

CLaW Youth 4 Wild Contest

August 2015

CLaW Flash Contest

Dec 2015

CLaW Weekly Contests

This forum brings together people not only with a passion for the image and an active commitment to bettering their art but also provide a platform where they can acknowledge each other, be stimulated by diverse points of view, thrive through competition, and make the culture of the image more familiar. CLaW through its weekly contest has tried to bring to the forefront the awareness and need for the conservation of the lesser known species of the wild. It is a constant endeavour to protect the ecological balance whose framework is bestowed on each species.


July 2015

Deers and Antelopes

Aug 2015

Lions and Elephants

Aug 2015


Aug 2015

Cranes Egrets Storks

Sept 2015


Sept 2015

Canis Hyena

Sept 2015


Sept 2015


Oct 2015


Oct 2015

Song Birds

Oct 2015


Nov 2015


Nov 2015


Dec 2015


Dec 2015


Jan 2016


Feb 2016

Bears and Boars

Feb 2016


Feb 2016


Mar 2016


Mar 2016


Mar 2016


April 2016

Tiny Tots

Apr 2016


April 2016

She Cat

April 2016


May 2016

Birds In Flight

May 2016


May 2016


May 2016


May-June 2016


June 2016


June 2016


June 2016


July 2016


July 2016

Leap of Faith

July 2016

Claws and Paws

July 2016


Aug 2016


Aug 2016

Ode 2 Stripes

Aug 2016

Birds of Flowers

Aug 2016

Claw Doc

Aug 2016

Hall of Fame

We believe in the power of the image to tell stories that can't be told any other way. The hall of fame is a compilation of hand- picked images from the submissions based on documentation strength, rarity, feel, popularity and inspiring ones towards nature and wildlife. Here each picture is nature in a frame which showcases the phenomenal vision of the photographers and focuses on raising awareness on the beauty and fragility of the natural world.

The genesis of CLaW

There are two paths of which one may choose in the walk of life; one we are born with, and the one we consciously blaze. The cause of Ustaad set ablaze a path which brought together people from all around who believed in preserving what they so dearly love ‘Mother Earth’. He was the genesis for what ClaW stands for today.

CLaW –Conservation, Lenses and Wildlife - a holistic forum, where we would like members to paint on a really broad canvas. We invite members to share their unique experiences of the natural world – not just the flora and fauna, but their habitat too! Our endeavour is to help nature to claw back from the brink to which she has been pushed. At CLaW we encourage sharing of photographs, interesting observations, conservation issues - anything that can add to the knowledge and understanding of our wonderful natural heritage, and can raise awareness towards conserving and safeguarding it for the present, and for the future.

With the launch of CLaW website, we wish to thank our members, our supporters, sponsors and friends who have been part of CLaW origination.


Althaf Mir

Businessman, Photographer and Wild wanderer

Anvita Paranjape

Wildlife & Nature Enthusiast

Deepak Chaddha

Businessman, Wildlife Photographer, Wildlife Conservationist

Digambar Chaple

Sales Profressional,
Wildlife Enthusiast,

Dr. Ela Kulkarni

Doctor, Writer,
Wildlife Enthusiast,
Animal rights activist

Marzook Mohd

Businessman, Photographer and Wild wanderer

Mohammad Yasir

Wildlife Enthusiast

Pariksheet Devulapalli

Software Professional,
Cricket Lover,
Wildlife Enthusiast

Samir Ingale

Self Employed/Real Estate Consultant,
Nature & Wildlife Enthusiast

Sanjeev Siva

Wildlife Photographer

Sarosh Lodhi

Nature & Wildlife Enthusiast

Sriram Pamidighantam

Wildlife Enthusiast

Sumant Pinnamaneni

Builder, Biker,
Software Professional,
Wildlife Enthusiast

Swapnil Joshi

Sowtware Professional,
Wildlife Enthusiast

Dr. Tushar Chopawar

Wildlife & Nature lover,
Animal activist

Viraj Upgade

Procurement Specialist,
Nature and Wildlife Enthusiast

How can I Contribute?

The CLaW team recognizes the below stakeholders and seeks for the respective participation as stated below:


Spread the love for Nature and wildlife
Support the various causes towards conservation to one's ability
Actively engage in commenting, encouraging and in providing constructive feedbacks to the images and posts
Share information about concern areas, injured animals, poaching, etc
Share thoughts and opinions related to conservation


Share your amazing images to spread the love for Nature and Wildlife (likes are irrespective)
Bring in awareness of the less visited parks
Take part in CLaW contests for recognition amongst the members
Appreciate the work of fellow photographers
On selective contests choose to donate the outcome of the prize for #CLaWReachOut
Report injured animals, traps and snares to forest officials, with images

Resort Owners:

Sponsor CLaW Contests from time-to-time
Raise awareness of the the nearby National Parks, species that it holds, wildlife safety related concerns, injured animals, poaching, etc

Tour Operators:

Sponsor CLaW Contests from time-to-time
Raise awareness of the the nearby National Parks, species that it holds, wildlife safety related concerns, injured animals, poaching, etc

Professional Photographers:

Share the favourite images to inspire members
Sponsor/Conduct workshops for the members on their expertise

Creative Professionals:

Create meaningful content to spread love for nature and wildlife
Be recognized for their work by CLaW Members.
Spread the love for Nature and wildlife
Support the various causes towards conservation to one's ability
Actively engage in commenting, encouraging and in providing constructive feedbacks to the images and posts
Share thoughts and opinions related to conservation

Photo Equipment Manufacturers/ Distributors/ Retailers/ Studios/ Picture Framers:

Sponsor CLaW Contests/Events from time-to-time

Art Galleries:

Sponsor CLaW Contests/Events from time-to-time


Sponsor CLaW Contests/Events from time-to-time
Use CLaW Photographer's images for their calendar and marketing materials